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Notice: Sea Turtles are Endangered and Protected Species under Puerto Rico
State Law and USA Endangered Species Act. All activities shown here with
people interacting or managing sea turtles, eggs, or remainings of sea turtles
are under special permit given to ATMAR by Puerto Rico DNRA and US Fish
and Wildlife Service.
ATMAR Education Center
In 2013, the Municipal Government of Maunabo gave us the opportunity to
rent an abandoned building that was previously a municipal police station.
Within a few months we had already opened a conference room and began to
receive tourists for trips to observe nesting turtles. Little by little through
donations and the hard work of the volunteers, a year later in 2014 we
inaugurated the center. From that moment, ATMAR's trajectory took a more
intense turn with new projects: 1) student internship for foreign and local
university students 2) Sun, Sand and Sea Turtles Project with a community
school, 3) research projects 4) tourist services in the center, and field visits, 5)
workshops for schools and the community on topics about turtles, marine
biology, birds and others.
Summer Internship Project
Since 2014 we have developed a summer internship for college students from
Puerto Rico and abroad. Foreign students who have participated are mainly from
Canada and the United States of America. Participants are trained to open nests
already hatched (emerged) and collect statistical data on them, identify nests,
tracks and other activities according to the species. They also tag turtles,
collaborate in the installation of transmitters, attend tourists in the center, carry
out baby turtle releases and assist in the maintenance of the center and
equipment. During 2020, the internship could not be carried out due to the Covid
19 pandemic.
Educational Project Initiatives
In 2014 we started a project in collaboration with the Higinio Figueroa Villegas
community school. Every school year a group of children with their teachers
visit our center once a month to participate in classroom and field activities
aimed at educating and raising awareness about the protection of
sea turtles, the problems they face and the protection of beaches.
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic the 2020 project was closed.
Amigos de las Tortugas Marinas